37+ Earning Per Share Ratio
PNG. Investors in mlnx are paying $69.20 per dollar of earnings ($70.58 share price / $1.02 eps = $69.20). Earnings per share (eps) is a company's net profit divided by the number of common shares it has outstanding.
The numerator is the net income available for common stockholders (i.e., net income less preferred dividend) and the denominator is the average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the year. Because it gives investors a means of determining the amount the business earned on their stock share. Earnings per share ratio is calculated as you subtract the preferred stock dividends from net income, and then divide it by the combination of common stock the income per share concept is very similar to market prospect or profitability ratio.
Because it gives investors a means of determining the amount the business earned on their stock share.
Diluted earnings per share adjust the basic eps figure by including all potential dilution that, if triggered at present prices and conditions, would result in the reported earnings per share being lower than they otherwise would have been. I.e., ratios that help us figure how much shares of a stock are worth. In either case, a high ratio indicates a potentially worthwhile investment, depending on the. This ratio is also known as the earnings multiple or price/earnings (p/e) ratio.